Maggie Fox, ND
Guiding Wellness
Transform Your Health
Empower Your Wellness
Renew Your Spirit
Transform your health and enhance your life with natural therapies and simple, effective steps to maximize your vitality
There is not a straight line from cause to illness, but a complex interwoven path. Together we work to enhance the pathway to healthy living.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy works with the energies that flow throughout the body, the energies that create and support your nervous system and cranial health. Through BCST, Dr. Maggie will help you release trapped trauma and other blocked energy pathways that lead to pain, depression, and illness. The healing achieved in this therapy relaxes the mind and body and revitalizes their connection.
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine uses holistic, natural, and allopathic medicines to heal and support the body’s everyday functions. Using naturopathic medicine, Dr. Maggie searches for the underlying cause of an illness, how the cause might be affecting other areas of the body, and creates a plan that heals every aspect for total body and mental health. This can include running labs, ordering supplements, and covering primary care.
Chakra Balancing
The Seven Chakras are energy centers that are metaphysically connected to different systems within the body. When working together, these Seven Chakras move in harmony to support everyday functions. But when the chakras are out of balance due to stress and trauma, it can negatively affect your physical and mental field. Dr. Maggie will work with you to rebalance these connections from root to crown, recentering your health physically, mentally, energetically, and spiritually.
Homeopathy & Flower Essences
Homeopathy has been used in medicine for over 200 years. It supports your body’s healing powers to bring about wellness through minimal doses of natural medicines. Flower essences work on a similar level, using the healing energy of flowers to balance emotions and aid healing. Using these remedies, Dr. Maggie will create a wellness journey to bring about holistic health and well-being that will leave you feeling balanced and rejuvenated.
Integrative Earth Medicine Support
Entheogens and earth medicines have been used for thousands of years in healing journeys. Now, they are on the rise again. Through integrative support, Dr. Maggie provides guidance in the use of entheogens and earth medicines. This includes working with patients on obtaining medical marijuana cards, coaching them on microdosing, and mentoring them on how to use these medicines and how to integrate their experiences in moving forward for a healthier and happier life.
NAET – Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique
NAET is a treatment developed to help neutralize your reaction to allergic substances. It is a non-invasive, drug-free, natural solution to allergies and sensitivities. In NAET, Dr. Maggie uses muscle testing and acupressure points to activate the meridian. Then, by using laser light and magnetic energy on specific acupuncture points, Dr. Maggie retrains the body’s reaction to these substances. This treatment is a process that may take several sessions to clear an item but can have amazing results.
Appointments will be at my office in Seattle or remotely via zoom or phone